That the community we serve may know that St. Bertoline’s is here to profess the faith, to celebrate it in worship and prayer, and to share it in fellowship, so that we may say, “We would see Jesus”.
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A Message from the Treasurer
I think that Christmas at St. Bertoline’s 2024 was rather special. Mind you, I suspect I say that every year! The church looked just wonderful with the vast and imaginative array of flower arrangements. There was such a warm and welcoming atmosphere for the Nine Lessons & Carols service, with the candles, readings and singing…
From the Rectory
When a couple is expecting their first child, the father and mother-to-be often discuss the changes that they will have to make in their pattern of living, and the differences another person in the house will make. Yet, parents will tell you that when the child is actually born, it was not that they had…