Our Church is always glad to help couples in every way possible who show an interest in being married at St Bertoline’s.
St Bertoline’s is a lovely setting for a wedding.
A Wedding is one of life’s great moments: a time of solemn commitment, as well as feasting and joy.
Marriage is intended by God to be a creative relationship, as his blessing enables husband and wife to love and support each other in good time and in bad, and to share in the care and upbringing of children.
For Christians, Marriage is also an invitation to share life together in the spirit of Jesus Christ. It is based upon a solemn, public and life-long covenant between two people, declared in the presence of God, and before witnesses.
On their Wedding Day, the Bride and Bridesgroom face each other, make their promises, and receive God’s Blessing.
Under Canon Law, if you live in the Parish, you have the right to be married at St Bertoline’s. Those who live outside the parish, but have a close family connection St. Bertoline’s, may also be married here “by connection”.
Other couples can also have their wedding at St Bertoline’s, but the law requires that they must qualify to do so. To qualify means that at least one of the couple must worship at our Church at least once a month for six months. They can then apply to be on the Church Electoral Roll, and that entitles them to be married here as if they were parishioners.
The usual legal formality before a marriage is by the Reading of Banns at the Parish Church of each of the parties to be married, as well as here.
St. Bertoline’s will provide the services of an organist, and can also arrange for choir and bells, if requested.
Please contact Reverend Peter Ennion for further information: ennionpeter@gmail.com
You can also find out more about weddings on The Church of England’s website: www.churchofengland.org/life-events/your-church-wedding