St Bertoline’s is the parish Church of Barthomley, a small village in the south-east comer of Cheshire, close to Junction 16 of the M6, 5 miles from Crewe, 8 miles from Stoke, and 3 miles from Alsager.
If you need to contact Rev Peter Ennion his phone number is 01270 877809; mobile 07518 434000
Email: ennionpeter@barthomleystbertolines.org.uk
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Opening hours:
St. Bertoline’s Barthomley is open daily between 10.00am – 4.00pm for private prayer.
Sunday Services continue at 10.30am and the format will be Holy Communion.
Where are we:
St Bertoline’s, Barthomley
Address: Barthomley, Crewe CW2 5PE, UK